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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Saturday, October 03, 2009

It's interesting.. the similarities between politics and religion..
Both require faith that those we put into power, will have it within their means to deliver on the promises made..
Makes one someone nervous, for it could well be that the reconstruction process' success or failure could follow the ultimate revelation facing a growing number of those who make a practice of doing their homework when it comes to the use of their franchise.
It's these growing numbers of voters David aimed at, with his announcement of tax reductions on equity held by pensioners. A good target..
The Tories have also announced as yet undefined plans to get Britons back to work.. also a good target, taking into account figures just released indicate 20%.. one in five British workers.. are not any more..
It's a bad summer for Gordon, with allegations made concerning the release of Ali al Magrafi.. the man who was convicted of the Lockerby bombing.. an undercurrent suggesting the authorities were under so much pressure to find a culprit that they dove on the first available viable suspect..
What is perhaps even more disturbing is the reaction of some in the pub.. a wry smile accompanied by 'well, the Bill does a good job on the whole, and he might indeed have been guilty..'
Indicates a deterioration, even on a minute scale, of the growing growing sense of 'what the hell can we do until those at the top figure it out for us..'
Fatalism is perhaps the most destructive elements to his a society.. and while not by far unique to Britain.. it is unsettling..

And yes.. Labour held it's Conference in Brighton last week..
There was nothing we hadn't heard before.. certainly nothing to record..
The most memorable moment was perhaps when the Vice Chairman of the Labour Party stood on the podium, and tore a copy of that days Sun newspaper in two..
The headline story front page was, to paraphrase..'Gordon you've blown it..'.
Never underestimate the power of a tabloid, especially as one with the circulation of Rupert Murdoch's British flagship..

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