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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Sunday, July 06, 2003

Seems to be the weekend for the erection of barriers..
Tony's about as pissed off with the BBC as a Prime Minister has been, at least in recent memory, and not over the remaining popularity for Spitting Image episodes featuring himself. The mighty BBC itself is the target for the Prime Minister's fury, and that's really not using an inappropriate word.
The Beeb has made allegations the Government, with the Prime Ministers knowledge, 'sexed-up' intelligence reports, thus justifying the incursion into Iraq.
Really. How naive of the BBC to take on the Government over such an issue. How Pollyanna a point of view does it take to realise these machinations are ubiquitous, but by far more than tacit agreement, are never, ever, mentioned. Regardless the mobs demands for total disclosure, those in the news business know better than to step on one's sources toes, and the deeper irony is that while the BBC is indeed the 'peoples television', being paid for through television license subscription, Tony for the moment is the peoples Government, and unless the BBC is aiming at bringing Tony and Co. down, they pursue a chimera.
More barriers. Drumcree will echo to the fife and the drum today, as the Orange Walk proceeds. Police are on hand. Never have the streets looked cleaner, what with all that which can be thrown collected, and stored along the way...
And one must thank the Germans and the Italians for affording a laugh, during a week humour has been in short supply.. Italy's PM, Silvio Berlusconi now insists he has not apologised for comparing a German politician to a Nazi concentration camp guard..a 'kapo' actually.. he only said his words were 'misunderstood'.. a joke among.. friends..

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