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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, March 26, 2012

It begs the question.. What does Barack Obama know, that we don't..?
Caught with the old 'open mike' ploy, the President's private comments to Russia's Prime Minister Medvedev indicated some assurance that while this next term would be his last, he would come through this upcoming election..
That would be an historical oddity, all considered..
Be that as it may, it would seem Barack is planning on a 'more flexible relationship' with the Russians..
Perhaps plans to re-establish relations with Cuba are on the cards as well..
And projections lead one to believe American unemployment figures will not bring welcome news..
The mind boggles.. Not with what might be, but what at least one man believes will be..
It's as though the long-touted 'back-room boys' have dismissed Mitt Romney.. It might well be remembered that Mitt took a failing venture, the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympics after scandal left the games on the brink of disaster.. The challenge of the games was confounded after the events of 9/11 complicated security precautions, but Romney and his team re-evaluated budgets, attracted new donors and pulled off a successful Winter Games..
Mind you, the same might be said for Boris Johnson..

And, with Easter just more than a week away, the fuel truckers are threatening to walk away from their rigs.. and that, while their on the highway over the Easter holiday..
Petrol prices are ridiculous.. that's a given..
Diesel's even more expensive..
But it will be difficult for the average Brit, who find himself stuck in a tailback fifteen miles deep while trying to make it to Gran's for an Easter roast, to rejoice in the inequality exposed by the act of civil disobedience..
Now the Trade Unions have traditionally supported The LibDems, but dissatisfaction with the direction the Party has taken while harnessed to the Tories has prompted a slight direction shift towards Labour.. and that Party, at least in one poll, currently stands 10 points above the Conservatives at 43%.. So now Ed Miliband finds himself behind the eight ball.. Does he condemn the strike, or does he support it..?
Pessimistic estimates warn that as many as 90% of forecourts.. gas stations.. will run dry before the great migration home..
That's the way to increase public awareness..
One must never underestimate either the cunning, or the overall stupidity, of elected officials.

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