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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Sunday, December 08, 2002

ahh dear..
One has to shake one's head.. it would appear that the affluent.. for affluent to a degree one must be to afford a computer, and a subscription to unlimited time on the net.. are becoming jaded.. less informed.. more opinionated.. and frankly, boring..
Mind you.. in this day of social funding for the inept and incapable.. it's not beyond the realm of possibility that these expenses could be born by the state-supported individual.. and that would explain a great deal..
Perhaps it's to the point, where those with informed opinion are simply overwhelmed by the numbers of the great unwashed that now crowd the medium.. that they've retreated to some unpublished domain to hold their forums..
Gods know I've searched for them.. to date without success..
The way to war in the Middle East is clear..
The path to mediocrity on the net is now deep and rutted.. the footsteps of so many having worn a trench to the abyss of the lowest common denominator..

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