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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Saturday, December 21, 2002

Ahhh.. 'tis the season to be desperate..
There are few things lacking in this world, for those willing to either pay the price, or work towards an end.. however it seem intelligent conversation falls outside this general rule.. what began as a noble experiment, this internet chat experience has turned into an exercise in futility for most.. a juvenile forum for public subnormal intellectual masturbation..
And it's so very serious for those who're involved. It's surrogation to an extreme..
Perhaps it's a case of 'many are called, but few are capable..'
The preparations for war in the Middle East march on uninterrupted.. Hussein is playing into the hands of the West by following the age old method of prevarication and delay which has worked so well within his own society for millennia.. but which serves only to underscore the difference between our ways of life..
I would suggest we find ourselves fully committed, by the end of the first week of the new year..

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