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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Friday, December 06, 2002

There's a new survey completed this morning..
The trend is most dramatic in Muslim societies, and some of the strongest anti-Americanism is in Egypt and Pakistan, according to the study by the US-based Pew Research Center.
After 38,000 interviews in 44 countries, researchers concluded that in the past two years discontent had also grown in countries considered traditional US allies.
But the survey also revealed that opinions about the US were "complicated and contradictory", with people at the same time embracing American things and decrying US influence on their societies.
The survey concludes that:
While there is growing dislike of the US, people in 35 out of 42 nations hold a generally favourable view of America,
In Russia, US popularity has enjoyed a surge - 61% of Russians have pro-US attitudes compared to 37% in 2000,
Dislike of America is concentrated in the Muslim nations of the Middle East and Central Asia,
America's war on terror enjoys support outside the Muslim world,
People in Canada, Germany and France - traditional American allies - are more critical about US policy and business practices than people in Africa and Asia,
British public opinion is evenly split, while most Americans favour military action.
In Turkey, 83% of respondents said they were against the US using Turkish bases in the event of a war in Iraq.
And the beat goes on..

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