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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Friday, December 06, 2002

Variations on the theme.
At this moment.. we have an investigation underway in a McDonald bombing in East Timor.. we have Taliban forces fighting what they claim are Al Q'aeda cells in Afghanistan.. with American and British Special Forces lending a willing hand.. We have terror threats against the new Islamic majority government in Turkey.. and Turkey agreeing to allow the United States to use it's facilities if an invasion of Iraq is decided upon. We have the Saudi's pissed with their traditional ally, the US, and the US tossing allegations of Saudi complicity in the 911 disaster about like confetti..
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the average American man-in-the-chats is stumping in either of two directions.. 'pro' or 'anti' George Bush.. their's is not a concern with what's happening in the rest of the world, for they truely believe that 911 was an abberation, and will not likely repeat.. They've once again retreated to their armchairs.. chips and dip with a couple of beers nearby, to watch armageddon on television.. It's my opinion that many feel if they miss it at eleven.. they'll see it on CNN later..
Ramadan is over now..
Watch this space..

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