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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Saturday, August 02, 2003

The Hutton Inquiry has begun, and the gathering of information which it necessitates. A trying time for some..
Not the least of whom will be Tony, Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon, along with BBC journalist Andrew Gilligan..
Dr. Kelly's widow is also expected to appear..
While no firm timetable has yet been set, it's expected Lord Hutton will resume his seat on the 11th this month...
Odd, that it had not been previously mentioned, Dr. Kelly was found with 4 EEC pads stuck to his chest..
Herewith, those as released to date, who will be expected to speak their minds..

Tony Blair
Alastair Campbell
Geoff Hoon
BBC chairman Gavyn Davies
BBC defence correspondent Andrew Gilligan
BBC science correspondent Susan Watts
BBC news correspondent Gavin Hewitt
MoD officials
Donald Anderson MP
Ann Taylor MP
Dr Kelly's widow, Janice
Other relevant government officials..

That is the list, as officially released.

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