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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Sunday, August 03, 2003

It's a startling move, to say the least..
Tony is to allow Christian organisations and other 'faith groups' a central role in policy-making.. a decisive break with British traditions that religion and government not mix...
Tony, who this weekend becomes the longest continually serving Labour Prime Minister in history, has set up a ministerial working group in the Home Office charged with injecting religious ideas 'across Whitehall'..
Now, this working group will be chaired by the Home Office Minister with responsibility for what is called 'civic renewal', Fiona Mactaggart. The members will include Estelle Morris, the former Education Secretary who is now the Arts Minister, and Christian organisations including the Evangelical Alliance. Known as the Faith Community Liaison Group, it will have an input into controversial policy areas such as faith schools, which are allowed to select their pupils on the basis of their beliefs, and religious discrimination.
There are problems with this, on too many levels to contemplate at one sitting..
It's not without surprise to write that there are those concerned that the Government will fall victim to unfavourable comparisons with the Republican administration in America, where George makes no secret of his religious faith and right-wing religious organisations have a powerful input into policy-making..
Some among the religious communities are calling it 'a blow to secularism' in Britain..

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