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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

The weather's returning to what would be called normal for this time of year, and the Mediterranian ambiance of the pub has evaporated,.. still though the public house philosophers take this in stride..
The talk is centering about two distinct topics.. those being the surreptitious melding of church and state in both the UK and the US, and the depth to which the Hutton Inquiry will actually delve..
The former is a concern for all those in attendance, with thoughts of the Reformation.. Cromwellian Greycoats.. last call at 10:30..
A deep concern that such is happening here, but an even deeper concern with the trend in the US.
The Homeland Security Act has brought out images of Harry Anslinger, McCarthy, Hoover.. and while it would be an inconvenience for Britons to deal with Tony's proposals, there is no doubt if they grew to any proportion near concern, it would be dealt with. Oddly enough, Britons will not tolerate fools gladly, and will act when pushed far enough..
Different matter in the States though. Religion..'faith' perhaps would be a better word, has been a cornerstone of most of those who came into the melting pot.. 'faith' still has tremendous power in the States, far more than it does in timeworn and cynical Britain..
And the States, could in the aftermath of the Middle East, withdraw into a state of isolationism..
Britain stands on the razors edge here.. Politically and economically bound to the present terms of membership in the EU, and in the same situation with George..
As though being pulled in two directions wasn't enough.. Tony's got his own appearance before Lord Hutton to consider, and what his responses could mean in determining his political future... and the current level of trust he enjoys with the British public..
What Tony faces while in harness with George and bicxkering with Chirac, are matters which can be planned in terms of years.
What Tony faces in the next few weeks, is effectively Tony's Watergate..
There have been some 'wide decisions' made, as cant would have it here..

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