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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Tank Gunner Gilad Shalid.
Not exactly a kitchen-table name, but one that could well go down in history along with Eduard Princip, as causing a major confrontation, one which could have world-wide implications.
The Israeli's have begun a full-scale assault, with bombers, tanks, and ground forces into the Gaza strip to try and gain the release of this man. He was taken prisoner a couple of days ago, when Hammas operatives tunneled into Israel, killing two Israeli soldiers and absconding with Shalid. Hammas wants the release of Palistinian women and children being detained by the Israeli's, for whatever reason they may have provided.
Iraeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says there will be no releasing of anyone..

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