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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Ahh well.. had to be done..
However the recordings released of the execution of Saddam, in which he is taunted by a Shi'ite clergyman, and several witnesses, tarnishes what should have been a simple act of justice.
Reactions have been swift.. and it would seem most of the world leaders use the same speechwriter..'that justice has been served, that the trial was in Iraq, the sentence passed by an Iraqi judge..a page has been turned..'
The Iranians must be feeling some relief, with the spotlight at least temorarily, directed towards the inevidability of an Iraqi civil war..
Another issue which might bear some attention is the state of the American dollar.. the increasing value of the Pound is not in our best interests at the moment..

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