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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, January 27, 2003

And so this day whimpers to an end. Actually it might be more precise to say it's merely petered out..
The pundits say there's been some £36 billion lost over the past 11 days through falling stock values, and have made it plain that most who have heavy portfolio's are pension funds, and that these losses will come right out of the pocket of those working to pay for their old age. But again, should one check the performance of the markets a decade ago, one can see the direction of profiteering and follow the trend.
And still the metaphysics are argued in the chats. The most vocal appear now to be virulently anti-Islamic, but with the odd dissenting voice making itself heard.
This, again, part of the overall pattern we walking. For all leaders know people will fight their hardest, put up with horrific privation, in defence of their faith. And with the Americans, it not as though tanks will be ploughing through their cities and countryside, it's merely a matter of once again, sending offspring away to fight in another part of the world.
The US is almost ready for it. The Europeans have made their stances plain, and the crisis is brewing quite nicely thank you.
One can't wait to see the report from the Inspection Team, and wonders how much more time will be recommended, what prevarications have to date come to light.
But for most on this island this day has finished, and it's time to collectively make tea, and digest the news on one of the available servers.
For tomorrow, will bring even more to deal with, with the Tube still closed, the market still falling, and the posturing prelude to invasion progresses.

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