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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Friday, January 31, 2003

Interesting, that in spite of the corrective waves which have flowed through the markets these past few weeks, there have been some individual moves which one might note.
Ryanair, the Irish cut-rate provider has picked up it's Dutch competition, a KLM spinoff called 'Buzz', for £16million. Less than half the price of a 707, and one gets an airline, and eliminates a competitor. There will be downstream benefits..
But nothing compared with what's been handed BAE with government orders for two new aircraft carriers. That's £2.9billion in direct contractural costs, and another £1billion in spillover. Watch this contract, for it might be the base for the government's economic recovery claims over the next year or so..
The battle for Safeway continues, and business is brisk..
Just pieces of the puzzle.
This war is going to clean up a great deal of surplus materiel, and create demand for a great deal more. The question was asked if 'ethically', could the States et al afford not to go to war. It might be more aptly phrased, if 'economically' were substituted.
And that Euro. One wonders at the long term plans for this allowance. For what it amounts to is market generated foreign aid, with billions appreciating, while the American standard slips.

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