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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Y'know there are some days which might as well not have happened.
Such was today, as the world marked time for the State of the Union Address, which over here has yet to be addressed.
The markets were flat, although analysts were quick to point out the 9 point rise in the FTSE was a rise, albeit a somewhat underwhelming sign of consumer thinking, but an 11 day trend had been broken. The losing streak had come to an end, figuratively speaking.Wall Street itself was up a whopping 56 points..
Ahh yes.. a chicken in every pot, and a white picket fence and all..
Meanwhile back at the ranch, the beligerent posturing continues, with Europe drawing up lines of those with, those against, and those in who's best interests a non-commital stance has been deemed best. And the Euro continues to rise, and this in itself might be a fly in the ointment, for while this crisis has been profitable already, there still remains the war to be fought, the massive cost of the effort to be paid out, and a new regeme to be installed. But this level the Euro has reached is getting very close to where parity with the American dollar is a possibility.
That has problems on two fronts. One, it's a step closer to a global hegemony, with a common currency. Two, the Euro's really not worth it's present values. The GNP's of the collective do not justify it's present level,and eventually that itself could become a political issue with a vast price tag.
What wonders will the morning bring.

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