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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

There is a sound that sometimes, while there within our perception, we cannot quite hear. There is a vision which, while almost discernible on the distant horizon, seems never to become any clearer. There are words, spoken generation to generation, which provoke the same response from both the hearer and the utterer.
And there are times the constant gazing at the stars from the squalor of the gutter, becomes less impelling, and more dreamlike and soporific.
Is man a social creature by nature? Is there some tribal instinctive drive for each to seek out another, and yet another, until a congregation, then a civilisation has formed?
Or is it a drive that is confined to a few among us, who on a deep deep level find they have both the drive, and the power to draw others to them, and create their own reality; their own microcosm within the macro.
Eventually, someone, hopefully someone else, will be assigned to create a sine wave, tracing the flux in the level of intelligence shown in chat rooms, and the percentage of wisdom to utter nonsense. Hopefully this will become a concern of those with the facilities to do such a study, in the near future.
The woodwork some evenings, is entirely empty..

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