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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Thursday, January 30, 2003

We see the sun setting on a cold, reflective day.
The reality of what is now certainly going to be war has settled in, that barring the abdication and exile of Saddam Hussein, and one doubts he'll choose the Elba route. More in character to dive off the deep end, one would think. As a result, we have flat markets, and the media turning to the ethics of this action.
Those interested in what the BBC's providing, should perhaps try and see what their assembled panel of experts will be dishing out over these news few days, til the 5th next month, at least.
The ethics of not going to war. An interesting angle to look at this situation, for it turns the possibility of our inaction into what's tantamount to a sin of omission. If we collectively backed away from Hussein, and left him to continue living under strict sanctions, we would also be condemning all the Iraqi people to privation, both through the effects of our sanctions, and by leaving them under the thumb of such a man as Hussein.
The scholars are asking that history be brought into this, but history as far as the last conflict, it's effects as far as the military are concerned, must necissarily be somewhat curtailed. One hopes they have a couple of backup systems in place this time.
Hearsay is not the best of evidence.

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