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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Thursday, January 09, 2003

'Once Upon A Time'..
So many of Internet conversations might well begin with this old saw, for many are simply little less then fairy tales, a vicarious lifestyle perhaps based on incidents in the past, which, had they been the path followed, become reality. Histories can be elaborated upon, old recollections made fresh and imposing in their immediacy, had 'circumstance' been different. It is a medium which can allow the mind free-reign, to extrapolate on a better time, to bring the past into the present, while leaving the perhaps less palatable 'now' behind for a while.
These fantasies can be, in perhaps the majority of cases, utterly harmless, innocuous, unimportant. But, there are always exceptions.
Relationships can develop to a tremendous depth over these satellite hookups; people lives can be immensely affected by the impressions they develop concerning those who become to accepted as friends, confidants, even lovers.
It has recently come to light, that one such relationship, based completely on truth and love on the one part, was tainted by the other involved, and while as in all good fabrications there were large elements of truth, dealing exclusively with the past which was readily verifiable, the entirely of the present situation was a fabric of lies.
Now, here is the remarkable aspect of this story. The one who had remained constant in the truth of their feelings, quotidien lives, emotions, and expressions of love, when told by the other involved in deception, forgave. Without rancour, without conveying a vast feeling of betrayal and 'hurt', the reaction was one of understanding, forgiveness, and love.
This is the thrust, this simple word ''love'. It had been used many times by both involved, and indeed both did have a passionate need and love for the other. The 'Liar' simply wished to develop a persona that would impress, inspire respect in the object of his love, and the 'beloved' accepted that as part of the prosiality of the medium itself. Their 'love' was never a question of doubt; the decription of the one's social position was the sole fabrication.
If nothing else, it can demonstrate that such an impersonal medium such as the Net, can indeed spark a closeness between what might be called 'kindred souls'.. that the faults of one of the 'pair' can been seen, and tolerated. This speaks volumes for both the communicative and evocative nature of this medium, but also the devleoping nature of human understanding on an individual level.

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