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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, January 27, 2003

It's amazing, what with the sheer volume of information from hundreds of sources that literally passes over this desk in the course of the day, and the man-hours spent digesting and correlating facts and figures contained in countless reports, one finds ones self at the end of the day, with little more information than that served up to the general public by our media. There is of course, the lack of one's incisive interpretation of events, but the bare bones information is set out, plain and clear, for all to view.
One can only thank gods that most people, and one means most, forgets what they hear within an half hour.
We're poised on the brink of another Middle East conflict, and there's little end to going over the facts because the Globa and Mail will have them all laid out, and Time's preparing a special edition, but one wonders how many recall the events of of ten years ago, when last the boys from the west decided to go and tear up some sand for a while, and get some tans.
Do many recall the number of 'the Official Reports' of that last adventure we have filed safely away within the labyrinthian and various systems in Washington and other sundry locations about the countryside. Or is it forgotten that only 36 of the 200 pages of those Official Reports even made it to the maze in the first place. That half the missing files were wiped completely and irrevocably from the computer system at Gulf Headquarters, when a member of staff incorrectly downloaded some games.
Now one wishes this was a joke, but it's not.
And there's more. Two complete sets were sent off to Central Command in Florida, but now they can't seem to be found, and yet a third set went for a walk from a safe in a Maryland Base. Not that one wouldn't like to do the same, given the circumstances.
Let me stress at this point, this is not 'news'. These are facts years old, and publicly documented..
More to come on this.

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