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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

It's been a busy day.
The State of the Nation Address was a great move in setting 'moral superiority' in place. While staying short of the declaration of war, it settled intent with little room for question. Taking the national issues into account as well, Bush pulled off a good one.. swinging some of the undecided his way..
'Regrettable, but necissary ma'am'..
Even got the ecology and hydrogen cars in there.. all of it now tied into the American Collective Mind..
Hydrogen good..made George smile..Iraq and terrorists bad..made George frown..and y'have to admit, George does have the 'elder of the local church' demeanour down pat. It lends tremendous weight to his proclamations, the sniggling and disbelief on the faces of the cognoscenti regardless.
One could only wish his Intelligence Services were as good at their job as are his speechwriter and speaking coach..
Tony's declared there are definate connections between Iraq and al Q'aeda, and with bin Laden himself, but none with the events of 911.
Iraq has stood, it's cue in the pantomime, to retort 'oh no I haven't', while Europe stands wringing it's collective hands.
There were arrests in London and Manchester this past couple of days, one involving the storming of a Mosque and the discovery of arms and munitions no less..the public here grows aware, but stands short of restive..
The issue has taken on a new depth in both the midle east and the States though..
The man on the keyboard.. who henceforth shall be known by the acronym motk, and is not, by the way, meant to be gender specific or imply any such taking this on a far more personal level, subjectively speaking, than has been seen before.
However, we'll follow that trail later.
Meanwhile, the FTSE and the Dow are once again experiencing static days, this time on the downside..
And that issue too, we'll look at when the day's done..

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