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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Ahh.. politics.. and scandal..
Two words guaranteed a Pavlovian response from the British public.. and within the upper ranks of the Labour Party there has been much rubbing of hands with glee over George Galloway's trouble..this latest controversy surrounding the highly awkward left-winger is the one that may decide his political future - and they would dearly love him not to have one...
For many, his wartime comments on Abu Dhabi TV that Tony and George were "wolves" and urging British troops not to follow "illegal" orders were the last straw...
Mind.. one solution would be allowing the upcoming scramble for Scottish seats take care of him..a clutch of nervous senior Labour MPs - including cabinet ministers Gordon Brown, John Reid and Helen Liddell - face the disappearance of their seats at the next election under Boundary Commission proposals to cut the number of Scottish MPs from 72 to 59. So does Mr Galloway, with the number of Glasgow seats being cut from 10 to seven...
However it's done.. what Labour definately does not need at this time, is a member who can be seen as an open and aggressive champion of the former regeme in Iraq..
One wonders what they'd do in the States..

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