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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Friday, April 18, 2003

Thus the game progresses..
Thousands in the streets of Baghdad today, free for the first time, perhaps ever in fact, to emulate the actions of those in other countries around this world, those who's populations stood against the war that has allowed them this sudden freedom.. A calculated move.. a declaration that the Iraqi people were not going to become an American puppet.. that they would take the reins of their own fate into their own hands..
But truth be told, the last thing on gods earth they want to see is the US to say '..fine.. we're done.. Saddam's away.. yer on yer own..'
It would leave those who today were protesting occupation, with nothing to protect them against the return of Saddam.. wherever he is yet hiding.. They know full well that this protest, was purely symbolic.. a statement of intent..
One wonders how long the American hearland itself will want to see the entire burden of maintaining a government in a foreign country continue.. how long will it be, before the call of 'we want our boys home' return to demand action from George, as it did his father..
Certainly the UN will become the mainstay of this reconstruction efforts.. but equally as certainly not until the British and American forces complete the job they went there for.. While there have been firm denials from the American Secretariat of State that Sudan is not 'next on the list'.. there remains those named by George as members of 'the Axis of Evil' within an hour and a half of a B52 now.
This situation will not end overnight. Not next week. Not next month..
A 'status quo' will evolve, which will involve continued protests of American and British presence.. the establishment of American business concerns to repair and effect the production of Iraq's oilfields.. the continued complaints from France and the EU of American 'exclusionism'.. even as that situation devolves..
Tony's going to have to spend time now establishing himself as perhaps the world's preeminent politician.. one who can deal with Jaques and Co., and with George.. while continuing to defend his stance to this public of his..
Iraq's still in dire straits.. humanitarian efforts are being stymied by Iraqi extremists and of course the British and American are being blamed..
But such is the chattering of mice.. who have found they've allowed their temerity to deny them the cheese..

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