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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, April 14, 2003

ahh.. here it comes say the folks who railed against the Iraqi conflict..
George is already waxing prolix against the possibility of Syria possessing weapons on mass destruction.. and Jack Straw here saying 'there were important questions for Syria to answer'.. arguing there was much evidence it had been cooperating with Saddam Hussein's regime...
George has also has words with Damascus.. warning against sheltering fleeing Iraqi officials...
Rhetoric abounds.. with Jack telling BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "I have made it clear and I repeat that Syria is not 'next on the list..."
But questions remain unanswered.. and what British officials are attempting to do at this point is to get an agreement fromother 'suspect' Middle Eastern states to sit down with the US and UK and actively cooperates over these questions that have been raised about their current relations with Iraq.
Here's the kicker.. the issue that could well lead to further actions in the Levant..
Syria's ambassador in London, Mouafak Nassar, blamed Israel for the start of the claims against his country...
Look for no immediate withdrawal of 'Coalition troops' from the area.. This could take a while..

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