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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

In Ontario the Treasurer wears new shoes.. here, it's a new red leather briefcase that signals a new budget presentation..
Donald Brown is expected to announce few tax increases, but the cost of the war is thought to be close to £3billion, and that money's going to have to come from somewhere..
The markets throughout Europe are expected to be down today.. concerns over the war, the faltering EU economy.. business on the Continent wodering almost aloud what role they'll be allowed in the reconstruction of Iraq.. wondering how the administration of 3 retired American Generals and one retired American diplomat will view involvement by companies with bases in countries that reviled the deposition of Saddam.. wondering when the UN itself will take an active hand and when control of the country will once again fall into Iraqi hands..
Interestingly enough, the British Commander in Basrah has appointed an Iraqi 'Mayor', and while there are still desperate shortages of staples the likes of food and water, already the schools are back in operation, and the hospitals and the waterfront in Umm Qasr are returning to normal..
Post-war Iraq will be the focus, as the fight for control of Baghdad pounds it's way into the final bars of the song..
Watch for some French rhetoric, German protests.. It may well be that if this war has cost George and Tony their futures because of their actions, the same might be said for Jaques and Helmut for their lack..
Humanitarian Aid will be the new rallying cry.. that and restoration of civil order within a country high on freedom with the disappearance of Ba'ath taskmasters..

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