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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

There's been a marked pulling back from the States on their threatening stance directed against Syria.. seems the message had been delivered and for the time being.. that's may well be enough..
Some stern words from the Arab Security Council.. not related to the UN.. on any further incursions in the area..
However, recent discovry of prohibited weapons.. toxins.. all that was not meant to be there, has put a somewhat different slant on this entire effort..
Now remains the defining of the timeframe for the US transferral of power to the UN.. something that could take quite some time to agree upon..
In the meantime.. the interesting features will be the eventual unearthing of Saddam and Co... and watching what will be the reaction of those terrorist groups who til now have operated with relative impunity on the West Bank and in Jerusalem..
While the American force currently in place in the Gulf is not meant to be a police force.. never think for a moment one will not be brought into place.. even Scotland Yard is sending officers over..
While the overwhelming military presence will gradually disperse.. it will not disappear..
The restoring of Law and Order.. and defining what that actually amounts to in an Islamic Western-run state.. will be an interesting proceedure..
Rebuilding the infrastructure.. replacing all that looted and destroyed.. will take time..
And this will be the focus of those who will continue to decry the necessity for this action in the first place.
For those.. recall Coventry.. Dresden.. London.. Berlin.. the cost of freedom has never been cheap..
Trite as that sounds.. it cannot be disputed..

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