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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Thursday, April 03, 2003

With American troops skirmishing some 6 miles outside Baghdad.. and British troops fighting for Basrah, the inevidable talks have begun that will define what role 'Old Europe' has in the reconstruction of Iraq..
It was a direct confrontation at the UN today.. with the EU wondering aloud what path the US will follow when Saddam's away..
This is where the long-term process begins of defining new geopolitical alliances.. Britain's Ambassador to the UN.. Lord Robertson.. says the differences between Europe's stance and that of the West, were 'not irreconcilable'.. which could be read 'they've come begging.. and we can be magnanimous, but not yet..'
Lord Robertson also mentioned NATO and the EU.. have 'unbreakable bonds' and 'common interests'.. which could be read 'NATO's almost a thing of the past thanks to the machinations of Chirac and Co... and our political agenda's are clearly divergent..
Germany's Chancellor. Gerhard Schroeder, told his Parliament today that 'reconstruction is more than repairing buildings, oil wells, and infrastructure..The real reconstruction of the society won't be achieved by a few contracts for companies..' Gerhard of course, was wondering aloud there why there were no contracts for German companies to be had..
In his somewhat clumsy Teutonic manner though, Gerhard has put his finger on the attitude we've been dreading..
There is no Iraqi society to rebuild truth be told.. the Iraqi's themselves are going to have to start from scratch.. and develop their own sense of identity, separate from ruling minorities and absentee-goverments.. This will perhaps be the first time many Iraqi's will be able to wander their own country without fear of being stopped.. questioned.. and possibly imprisoned..
One suggests the Iraqi's fight has just begun.. for in such a system, with the real necessity for those with international political experience to be in position, it's often the case of the best of the worst.. those least offensive from the outgoing regeme, who remain in positions of 'advisatorial' power..
The Iraqi man on the street has an uphill battle ahead..

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