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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Clarification, of a sort, this evening from Colin Powell, as to what the US sees as it's role in post-war Iraq.. He said the US-led coalition would play a "leading role in determining the way forward," but would work in partnership with other organisations. ..
The aim of Colin's visit.. his first since the start of the US-led invasion of Iraq..was to rebuild relations damaged by bitter disagreements in the run-up to the war. Truth be told, the meeting of NATO Ministers was more to define the lines drawn in the sand.
While world opinion is now behind a UN administered temporary government for post-Saddam Iraq.. the US is still somewhat piqued with the UN itself for it's complete lack of support to remove the Ba'ath regeme..
Something along the lines of wanting a slice of a cake they refused to help bake..
The problem for the EU now, is how to justify it's scrabbling for some of the reconstruction input.. while maintaining their firm stance against the war itself..
Becomes a problem of credibility..

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