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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

What's a newsman to do these days.. what with Saddam out of the picture.. the Washington hawks quiet.. Middle Eastern leaders keeping stumm in fear of more sabre-rattling..
It's almost positively dull..
Mind you.. Tony's turning now to backyard terrorism.. saying that a solution to the Irish question is 'frustratingly close'.. like a fresh roll of loo paper..just out of reach when you need it..
George Galloway..for those who don't recall he's the Glasgow MP who's been pro-Saddam since before the beginning and has been accused by one of our tabloids of taking baksheesh.. is still denying..denying..denying.. much like the Germanic-sounding Argentinians claiming to have spent the war being gaucho's on the Pampas..
Y'know people are strange creatures..
When having wandered into a position of vulnerability.. it seems almost human nature to deny.. to refuse the truth under any circumstances..
When truth is offered.. ahh may we all be sure enough of ourselves to.. at least.. give it a listen..
So many lose.. on so many levels.. through intractability..
Then again.. there are times one simply has to move on..

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