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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, April 07, 2003

An interesting man, this Iraqi Information Minister Muhammad Saeed al Sahhaf..
Over these past ten days or so, it's as though we've come to know the fellow personally.. his empassioned pleas for journalistic integrity and accuracy have been punctuated with admonitions against believing the evidence of our own eyes.. that what's 'seen' is not really the whole truth.. and that what's not seen is mysteriously more to the point..
Misinformation and misdirection are the tools of the West, says he.. and God will give victory to His troops..
One wonders whether Mohammad will be giving many more of his daily reports.. some journalists have reported American troops in the Information Ministry building itself this morning, which is perhaps why Mohammad held his briefing today in one of the local hotels..
Yet this American presence in the center of Baghdad, according to CenCom, is not 'The Battle of Baghdad' per se.. more an indication Coalition troops can walk in when they choose to.. waving the flag so to speak on the western bank of the Tigris..
Might be prudent to hold off for a moment or two.. Some 50 thousand American troops are on the outskirts of Baghdad.. a city of 5 million..
Might be wise to let the rest of the party catch up with them..

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