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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Thursday, April 03, 2003

There are concerns, down at the pub.. that scenes the likes of which took place aboard a US-bound flight from Gatwick, will become commonplace..
That particular flight was diverted to Shannon Airport.. a flight attendant found 'a troubling written note'.. as opposed to a troubling oral note one supposes.. and all passengers and crew were debarqued, searched, and then again sent on their way..
Mutterings about that along the bar.. many have relatives in the States and Canada.. that flight's a popular one, and there are concerns as to how the Homeland Security measures will affect them Stateside.. let alone what they'll have to endure at Heathrow and Gatwick..
Someone's read their Sun T'su..
It's an issue that will have to be looked at seriously.. and one that will affect all who travel.. anywhere.. from now on..
When terrorism becomes an established tactic, it has to be understood by the 'innocent'.. those who perhaps have never had a political opinion in their lives.. who are the target. A sense of moral outrage at targetting those who march against wars, and human rights violations, and the inequality and unfairness of life in general, will not prove much of a defence against those armed not only with political or religious idiological zeal, but with semtex..
And should we lose track of causes.. when 'cause and effect' becomes a rallying cry for the professional protestors.. recall where the threats originated..
It seems to be one of the distinguishing marks of Western Society these days.. to take on a stance of suffering martyrdom.. while performing unanaesthetized facial surgery on ones-self..
One day we'll all grow up.

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