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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Right..says George.. Saddam's been dealt with.. we're working on an interim government for the Iraqi people.. and now's the time for the UN to lift these sanctions that have been clogging up the Iranian economy for over a decade..
One has to admit, it does make sense, and coming from a position of power it would seem to be the route to go..
Ahhh but now,, say those ubiquitous 'senior officials' at the UN..questions have first to be answered about whether Iraq still has weapons of mass destruction and who will control the country's resources.
WMD.. Now correct us if we're labouring under a misconception but was it not those same 'senior officials' who decried the possibility of WMD before this brouhaha all began..
And more on the diplomatic front here.. and please gentle reader, recall when reading the following that this was a war.. see dictionary for definition and history for effects..
..Experts to meet in Paris to assess the damage to Iraq's national heritage by looters, and ways of recovering stolen items..UN Security Council told that security worries are still keeping staff and patients away from Iraq's hospitals..It had been expected that sanctions would eventually be lifted, but the BBC's Jon Leyne says it has come as a surprise that Washington wants to move so quickly...yet it's patently obvious this is merely the opening salvo in the new fight in the Security Council, which has control over Iraq's oil...
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