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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

'Ahh well.. Colin put on a show now, but where was the compelling evidence.. those tapes were quite something though..' Now this, out of the mouth of a Scottish farmer who lives down the road, as he pondered the state of the world over a pint of Tennants. The motk here seems prepared, almost innured to the idea of war in the Middle East. It's a given we'll have men fighting over there. Britains always had vested interest in Palestine, and that area in general.
But as for the justification presented for unilateral action by the States and of course, Britain.. well that calls for the old finger-up-the-side-of-the-nose..
Interesting question.. ethically speaking of course.. came from the former Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans.. Evans now heads the International Crisis Group.. He said the wrong question was being asked here. Assuming it's a given Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, is it actually such a threat that it must be overthrown by force?
The chats seem to relect this sentiment, even though their mood hasn't been defined for them quite as eloquently as Evans' question was. People are questioning the necessity of this action, having on the whole passed through the stage of wondering if it was 'right'.
So many political carreers rest on this pivot..

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