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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

'..appeasement and weakness bring violence and seriousness of purpose and strength bring respect..' Professor Michael Novak, a leading Americican theologian, used that phrase in an address to the Vatican today, to justify another war in the Middle East. Novak calls the last ten years an 'asymmetric war' that has been ongoing against Hussein.. and under Church Doctrine, maintains this was to be 'just'..
The Dance has become so dreadfully complex these days. When the whole world watches, one must treat any international action as though it would eventually end up in a court of law.. The preparations for justification are immense, but as has been said before, so many political futures ride on this issue..
Another sign of the times here.. Gibson's releasing a new Les Paul design model.. this one can be played traditionally, or through digital technology, can be played to record directly on your comps hard drive.. it's insideous, this progress..
Twenty eight years ago today, Maggie Thatcher was chosen to lead the Tories..
Thirteen years ago today Nelson Mandalla was released from Robin's Island..
One wonders will this day be recalled for anything in particular, if indeed at all..

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