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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

It's been the Tony and Jaques show this afternoon..
French President Blaque Jaques Chirac taking the stage first, recounting the similar interests of Britain and France today, recounting the not-entirely-so-similar stances throughout the history of Anglo/Franco relations.. The upshot is that France is still sitting on the fence as far as Iraq is concerned.. that while there is agreement Iraq must be disarmed, there should be another UN Resolution considered, and more time given the inspection teams. But significantly, Chirac stopped short of utter condemnation of unilateral movement by the US.
It's doubtfull France would have signed the letter of support sent by the 8 European leaders last week. It's doubtfull France would sign it if offered the chance today. But for what it's worth, Chirac is at least aware of the billions his country has recieved with the devaluation of the dollar, and has no intention of killing the golden goose..
Meanwhile..Turkey's the latest to publicly jump on the juggernaut..
Tayyip Erdogan..the leader of the governing Turkish party, says refusal to take part in the US operation, could run contrary to the country's best interests.
Turkey really wants into the EU..

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