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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Saturday, February 08, 2003

The markets are flat.. the wars on simmer.. the economy's floudering.. and bloody hell.. Phil Mitchell's leaving EastEnders for a year..
Now that's news.
Picture if you will.. and entire island.. seven o'clock in the evening.. all lost in the same dream..
The two things British women, and men to a certain degree to be fair, are adamant about are Bingo at least once a week, and the 'shows' between 7 and 8:30.. in which time you'll have sat through EastEnders, Coronation Street, and Emmerdale.. mind you, things have improved substantially from the days of BBC1.. and nothing else..
For those who live in the land of 250 stations and sattelite or cable shunting endless choices, it's a wonder how so many can get by for so long with so few..
Take BBC2 for Friday o'clock.. tea's finished.. dishes washed and away.. time to settle down with a cuppa and tune in Politics Scotland.. to be followed half an hour later by Clarissa and the Countryman..where the host means Lord and Lady Whatstherename and try their hand at shrimping.. wonderful..
At 8 Bill Odie Goes Wild for half an hour, making a boat trip out to an abandoned monastary in the Atlantic.. with the excitement of that only to be eclipsed at half the hour by The Winter Flying Gardener.. really..
EastEnders you say...
One of the storylines had Phil Mitchell being shot.. a la JR.. the denoument had an audience of 20 million and caused the third largest power surge on record...
Even the Flying Winter Gardener tuned in..

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