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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

'My word', was the exclamation this morning from a hundred thousand Britons, as they wandered towards Heathrow for their morning flight to Amsterdam, or where ever.. as they shuffled, Times' and Guardians under their arms, fending of armed troops with the shield of briefacse and sword of battered umbrella..
It is a real annoyance, this. Someone apparently told British and American Intelligence of the possibility of terrorist attack, by surface-to-air missile, and by George aren't they taking it to heart..
Mind you, if there was to be a concerted terrorist attack come Saturday, the end of the Eid al Ahda, one would think they'd pull out all the stops.. launching simultanious attacks in Britain.. the US..
What will be interesting, when and if these attacks take place, will be the major powers.. will be to see which of the big players, are left alone..
Which are the terrorists not trying to send a message to..?

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