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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

We're such a dour Calvanist country we are..
As war looms on the horizon, with a split in NATO, the polarization of France and Germany from the United States and those who support it, we plod on in our own fashion towards what's thought to be inevidable..
But the Australians, well that's another story. Prime Minister John Howards concerned with this Middle East nonsense, and says 'Iraq must get fair dinkum about disarmament'. That's wonderful, when your politicians can't be bothered to put on the act. One might expect the next statement from Howard to be to the effect of 'and if they don't, we'll have a wander over and do the Bilderberg swilling gallahs. Bugger..'
Meranwhile, we've been watching the Canadian news about this war.. and there's a definate trend towards non-information actually..
Reuters Canada, while mentioning Newfoundland Power's rate rise..a report on the decline in Telecom spending..the Sens getting a court reprieve.. nothing about Iraq there..
The Globe and Mail is running 16 stories on it's front page.. the second of which does mention the Americans stance on the NATO split.. However that's it for the war..
One would suppose that the proximity of Canada to the US would allow Canadians a full spectrum of coverage from American sources, but where are the homegrown perspectives...? True there are only half as many people spread out over all of Canada than there crammed unto this island, therefor only half the opinions, but the question remains, why is this a non-issue in Canada?
We'll look at this again..

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