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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, February 03, 2003

'There is "unmistakable" evidence to Iraq's failure to comply with UN Resolution 1441..
That from Tony, as he stood in Parliament to rally his troops, figuratively speaking, behind him...
Reports are that up to a quarter million American and British forces could be deployed..that Turkey and Kuwait would be the ground entry points..with the 101st Airborn setting up points within the Scud perimeter..
Turkey of course, is amassing amazing points for allowing this involvement, what with it's new Islamic government trying it's best for a place in the EU.. Kuwait is paying a debt.. likely always will be..
Check the portfolio.. Maybe beef up on those old chestnuts US Steel and DuPont.. those pharmaceutic companies will be doing land sale business.. and don't forget Detroit..
'To blow a crater in the Iraqi leadership, and military'.
Colin Powell's pictures may show something, but the common eye wouldn't have a clue what it was they were seeing..
The dance continues..

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