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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, February 17, 2003

Ahh yes.. the war..
In brief.. it appears the EU is growing concerned over the rift developing between east and west... at least that's what we're told..
France, Germany and Greece..Greece currently holding the Presidency of the EU, which essentially means little more than they get to sit in the big chair at the head of the table, are still warning against rushing into war in the Middle East.. with Britain, Spain, and Italy on the other side, saying they'll stand behind the US..
The largest protests to this war were held oddly enough, in Britain, Spain and Italy this past weekend, with figures now showing more than a million marched in each of Barcelona, London, and Rome..
Meanwhile, the weapons inspectors will continue their impossible search for evidence of weapons of mass destruction..
A thought to ponder.. What might be the odds of that which has already been found, the modified missiles, the warhead casings, the missing documented chemicals, having been planted by the Ba'ath authorities themselves, to fuel a hawk stance from the US and it's allies, and a massive public outcry against 'over-reaction' from the peoples of the west..?
All this, while Hussein's production of proscribed materiel continues elsewhere..
Just a thought..

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