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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

The machine rolls on..
Britons have been formally told to leave Iraq immediately, and to postpone all non-essential trips to Kuwait and Israel..
As though, commented one wag along the bar this evening, who in their right mind would be planning a jaunt to the Dead Sea these days..
It's been a while since there's been any mention of that which has been tabled in the chatrooms, and for the simple reason nothing new is being said at all.. people are mouthing the same platitudes pro and con, for some weeks now. Perhaps a sign of the inherent tension underlying everyday life these days, as we teeter on the brink of what many feel will be Armageddon..
Really.. they are concerned..
There's one particular fantasy I will recount.. I'll omit the name of the chatter involved for reasons which will be plain on the 5th of July this year..
The story is, this chatter was visited back in 1993 by a 'spirit' named Anna.. claims to have physical proof of the message she delivered in the form of a tape recording.. y'see this epiphany was via the radio.. This tape by the way is under scrutiny by a team of Amerian scientists somewhere is the eastern United States, our suspicions are the implication is Langley..
However, Anna, and seven others will appear before us all on the 5th July, at 10:45pm EST.. after which we all will be 'changed'..and life as we know it will come to an end..
Ahhh.. Anna also says the Biblical number of the Beast as reported in Revelation, is not quite correct.. It's not '666'.. but rather '60614332233'.. a 'cold evil heart' will appear..
Now somehow a Tulsa preacher by the same of Kenneth Hagen is involved in this.. and around the world today there are those who are 'chosen'.. and who somehow 'know' or 'sense' their mission.... again, one might speculate the number of the 'chosen' might be what.. 144 thousand maybe..?
However.. we shall see on the 6th July ..
That's 3:45am here.. but we'll be online.. waiting for the lights to go out..

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