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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Another step in the dance this evening.. George, appearing at a dinner in Nashville, was introduced not as 'the President of the United States', or our 'Commander in Chief'.. but as 'our friend and brother in Christ'..
Mind you, taking this in context, George was appearing before the National Religious Broadcasters at their convention, but he's taken a step towards firm entrenchment on the 'faith' aspect of this war..
Al Jazera reports it has a new video from Osama.. calling on all sincere Muslims to do what they can, when they can, wherever they are, to disrupt American society and kill as many of the Infidel as possible. By American, he's including the entire west..
One wonders when there'll be troops on alert, patrolling the streets of Washington..New York.. Chicago.. Detroit..

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