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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Friday, February 14, 2003

This is truely an amazing scenario we're seeing played out here these days..
Indeed, how one country, originally created by he west itself from the remains of the old Ottoman Empire, could bring so much of the world into opposing camps, is something to be wondred at. It certainly demonstrates the lengths to which countries will go to further their own political agendas, regardless of the consiquences. Germany for example, France for another. The chaos these two countries caused whem they left their African posessions, protectorates, is now back to bother us, with a vengeance.
As was mentioned a day or so ago, France alone with it's granting automony to Algeria, started a movement which has snowballed alarmingly, and the Paris government seems quite happy to sit back and watch the US and Britain clean up their mess, forgetting the riots of the 60's, oblivious to the calous statements of their own Prime Minister and National Hero Charles deGaulle, which set of this entire powderkeg.. and typically, their stance is one of armchair condemnation.
Public misinformation is widely disseminated and acdepted as fact.. half a million are expected to demonstrate against this war in London alone tomorrow.. countless thousands more around the world.
Can it be so difficult to understand what stragegic import the Middle East is, or is it more a fashion statement, this protest..
Today's west is suffering under a massive guilt, for the most part brought about by the failure to see injustice, and reluctance to deal with it when finally percieved. Hundreds of thousands have died because of the Chamberlain Attitude.. seems image is more important than the lessons history can teach us.
This is a society led by vocal minorities, and sheep desperate to shed their ovine characteristics.
If it weren't so desperately sad, it would bring a chuckle.
The boys are the pub have given up on their fingers beside their noses. It's gone beyond that. Now the looks are solemn, for the while faith is still there that the Scots have managed to keep all out who attacked with force, there is a doubt that we will survive the 'diplomacy' which threatens to bring this society down about our ears..

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