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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Thursday, February 20, 2003

It's always been a concern, the manner in which the elderly are regarded, indeed treated in Western society..
Those in the flush of youth, or the bloom of middle age, seem to have little thought towards the day they too, will return to the habits of their infancy, and require assistance to perform that which is not only simple, but instinctive, other than to look at that eventuality as a financial issue. Pensions, investments, savings, all accruing weight to defray the massive cost of caring for the aged infirm.
It's refreshing to see the government here, albeit some eight years and a different Party after the fact, looking into the NHS responsibility in the field of geriatrics, and is now shouldering some of the cost, and is preparing to construct facilities suitable for a dignified and less stressful endtimes..

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