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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

One expects to see hundreds of armed military personel when one gets off a plane in Korea.. or Somaila.. but it's an oddity to have them wandering about Heathrow and Gatwick, and other notable spots around the City. The threats made by al Q'aeda are being taken seriously, equally as seriously as those made in the past by the IRA.. this is the Islamic Festival of Eid, and when it ends on Saturday it's expected something's going to be in the works..
What is odder yet is the mood in Europe and indeed in the US itself. This is not a popular action, with the collective voice blythely chanting 'Hell No We Won't Go' and practicing their scatalogical skills on George Bush that's not a difficult sentiment to miss. But one begins to wonder why the western mind seems unable to keep issues in their heads for more than a day or so. How many World Trade Centers will need be brought down?
One would think one, was enough.

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