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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Saturday, February 15, 2003

Half a million of the politically ignorant, but pristinely correct, will march in London today.. that's the number being touted not by the organizers of this farce, but by the authorities which will be tied up watching them, ensuring there's little if any trouble..
Y'know.. back in the 60's there were people who blythely said 'we'll move back to the farm, grow our own food, make our own clothing.. retire from society and it's ills..
It wasn't long before the discovery of early mornings, late nights, constant work and the ever-present crop failure, forced these pseudo-Rousseau's back to their warm apartments, back to their supermarkets, and back to the ubiquitous complaints that these amenities will be the downfall of western civilisation..
These are the people in charge now..
And what they've either forgotten. or have chosen to ignore, is that those in charge in other countries are those who grew up in the 60's as well, but in an entirely different circumstance. The leaders of the eastern countries grew in a 60's that saw genocide, and casual murder, as parts of their everyday existence, and who watched the west with envy, or distain, or outright hatred for the ease with which it's children could voice their dissent.
The naivete of the west will be it's destruction, for here we are today, out in our hundreds of thousands, protesting something most have no knowledge of whatsoever.
And those in the East..?
They're getting a good chuckle out of all of this.

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