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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, February 10, 2003

Computer-linked think tanks.. what a novel idea..
There's a group called the Collective Detective available on the net to those willing to pay a small fee.. according to it's foundnders, this group is attracting those who spend time on their comps.. who enjoy gaming the likes of The Sims.. and who enjoy solving puzzles. This particular group has already caused some problems for online gaming companies, the likes of Mindquest, who had been running a scavenger hunt competition called Terraquest. This game was meant to have lasted six months, and had a prize of $25thousand US. The Collective Detective group solved the first part of the puzzle in three days, which caused Mindquest to rethink it's competition, and refund the entry fees collected..
This, says technology seer Howard Rheingold, could led society in an entirely new direction.
Howard, you're lagging..

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