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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Once again it's been a day of justification for Tony, as the window for an invasion gets smaller and smaller.. One would think there's litle doubt the US will hold off as long as possible, in the hopes that a smoking gun will materialize, that a mistake will be made by those involved in the transport and concealment of that which would demonstrate the true extent of the arsenal he has at his disposal, but it's the weather y'see.. and when it gets hot there.. it gets very hot indeed..
One might say the same, as far as the political side is concerned, right here at home..
Meanwhile.. and one must apologise in advance for blatant editorialism.. some idiots left Dorset a coupple of weeks ago on a double decker bus no less, and drove all the way to Baghdad to act as human shields for Hussein..
Now one must applaud the sentiment and the conviction that led Joe Letts and his crew to set off on this..adventure.. and one cannot deny that the scenes of deprivation, sickness and disease running rife, malnutrition, are indeed endemic in the quotidien life of the average Iraqi.. but this has been caused by Hussein himself.. not those who would remove him..
When Joe spoke to the government officials who so graciously welcomed him, one wonders what was on the menu of that government dinner..
And was ever the question asked.. why doesn't the government distribute the obvious wealth controlled by the Ba'ath?
One doubts it..

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