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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Saturday, February 01, 2003

The Treaty of Nice came into effect today.
For those who've not spent time following the developments within the European Union, this allows the expansion of the Union by some 11 members in two years time, while allowing another 4 to stand in the queue. And what's more, allow that many more countries to tie their economies to a common harness.
Charlemagne would have smiled.
Napoleon would have been dancing, for what's in store even eclipses the insidious metric system.
It's falling into an unpleasant pattern, with Britain again becoming the most eastern part of the western coalition.
Yet this too could change, should our own politicians deliver the country packaged and wrapped to the powers that loom across the channel.
And on the war watch, we see yet more political posturing, preparing the people for a 'righteous' war.
Mind you, it's the same line being pushed in Pyongyang, and Baghdad.
One wonders what the Chinese are thinking.
While the other two thirds of the world must remain in conflict to remain economically viable, China is spending it's undoubtably vast resources, doing what?
No doubt they'll let us know, eventually..

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