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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, February 03, 2003

A predictable weekend..
Tony's back in the UK, and is promising support for the war in the Middle East from his backbenchers.. Rather an optimistic stance one would think, with Benn in Iraq meeting with Hussein..
Watch for the precendents.. Simpson and Edward VIII off to Berchesgarden to have a chat with Hitler.. those who sympathised with the Mussolini regeme..
It's not going to be as easy as Tony's making out.. but in truth, it matters little, for the play's begun and we're in the middle of scene three..
And the play must go on..
An interesting note.. factor in a couple of news stories released this weekend.. scientists are concerned with finding activity in what were previously thought to be 'dormant' volcano's.. and the discovery in Stirkfontein of yet an earlier 'human' prototype..
And in the chats.. mutual villification appears to be the stance between 'Christian' and 'Islamic' adherants.. the public's beginning to froth.. with both idiologies being constantly challenged, one hopes there's a reliable safety valve.

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