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..There's a little Samuel Pepys in all of us..

Monday, March 24, 2003

Ahh here we go..
The American troops near Basrah.. have apparently discovered a chemical weapons factory near the city of Najaf.. and several other sites are apparently being examined with 'some interest'..
One would put money on that.. 'some interest' indeed..
This is the news Jaques Chirac had no doubt been expecting.. no doubt dreading..
It's the 'justification'..
Coming up to 5am in Baghdad, and the sky's a dull red with the mixture of flames from bombed buildings and the oilpit fires.. lit for whatever reason by the Iraqi defence.. the power and water supplies were cut for the first time yesterday.. the people will be wondering how long now.. before the sound of assault rifles punctuates the call to prayer..

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